S Tsitsipas Tennis Explorer

Country: Greece, Born in 2000 (20 years old), Category: ATP



S Tsitsipas Tennis Explorer Xp

  • Stefano Tsitsipas has won as many majors as you and I. Not as many as we thought when we slipped into our Dunlop Volleys as a kid and carried our gear around in a bag with I Love Tennis written on it.
  • ATP & WTA tennis players at Tennis Explorer offers profiles of the best tennis players and a database of men's and women's tennis players. Tsitsipas Stefanos.
  • Get the latest news, stats, videos, and more about tennis player Stefanos Tsitsipas on ESPN.com.
See detailed ranking history of Petros Tsitsipas

Tsitsipas, who was beaten by Thomas Fabianno 6-4 3-6 6-4 6-7 (8) 6-3, was at a loss to explain why he and other young talent were unable to produce quality tennis on a consistent basis.

Season High : 960
Career High : 358

Tournaments played in 2020

See detailed tennis results of Petros Tsitsipas
Dec 21M151/8M15 Monastir 40, Monastir(TUN)
Dec 14M151/8M15 Monastir 39, Monastir(TUN)
Dec 07M151/16M15 Monastir 38, Monastir(TUN)
Dec 07M15[Q]M15 Monastir 38, Monastir(TUN)
Nov 23M151/16M15 Heraklion 13, Heraklion (GRE)
Nov 16M151/16M15 Heraklion 12, Heraklion(GRE)
Nov 09M151/8M15 Heraklion 11, Heraklion(GRE)
Nov 02M151/16M15 Heraklion 10, Heraklion(GRE)
Oct 26M151/8M15 Heraklion 09, Heraklion(GRE)
Oct 12M151/16M15 Monastir 33, Monastir(TUN)
Oct 05M151/8M15 Monastir 32, Monastir(TUN)
Sep 28M15[Q]M15 Monastir 31, Monastir(TUN)
Sep 28M151/8M15 Monastir 31, Monastir(TUN)
Sep 21M15[Q]M15 Monastir 30, Monastir(TUN)
Sep 14M151/8M15 Monastir 29, Monastir (TUN)
Mar 09M151/16M15 Heraklion 05, Heraklion(GRE)
Feb 24500[Q]Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, Dubai(UAE)
Feb 10M15QFM15 Heraklion 01, Heraklion(GRE)
Jan 27Chall. 801/32Burnie Challenger, Burnie(AUS)
Jan 27Chall. 80[Q]Burnie Challenger, Burnie(AUS)
Jan 13Chall. 80[Q]Bendigo Challenger, Bendigo (AUS)
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After getting started with the game of tennis there was a crucial decision that I had to make, a decision that was getting closer as the years went by. This decision was my future. Do I want to make tennis my profession? Am I ready to sacrifice my life in Greece to begin traveling for tennis? The answer from my 12 year old self was “Yes, I want to do that.”

I was ready for this long journey, this battle that I had to face, the stress, the sleepless nights, the tension, the frustration, the nerves, the anxiety… I had to face an opponent, but the biggest challenge was to surpass my expectations. I was going to take my chances, fail most of the time but, that was and still is the key on growing successfully and chasing a dream that was and is there. Titles that many people want, but only few get.

S Tsitsipas Tennis Explorer Reviews


S Tsitsipas Tennis Explorer Sport Trac

Tennis taught me a lot of things in my life. I have experienced things that I wouldn’t otherwise experience if I wasn’t playing the sport that I Iove. Tennis allowed me to see new places, meet new people, discover cultures… I was able to turn my childhood hobby into my profession. That was incredible already!

Tennis has taught me of discipline, self-awareness, behaviour, morality, respect, sportsmanship and decision-making. I own everything to this game, a game with which I have grown, learned and failed most of the time. Tennis represents me and everything that I have. Tennis is always going to be my job and my passion. Tennis is my life!