Re 2 Chasing Jill

Chasing Jill achievement in Resident Evil 2: Grotesque: Read a letter left behind by Jill. Find guides to this achievement here. Resident Evil 2 has its fair share of secrets and collectibles, but eagle-eyed players will have noticed that finishing Resident Evil 2 is much more than just completing both campaigns and walking away. Truly finishing the game involves completing a series of challenges to unlock some of the best weapons and equipment in the game, all with infinite ammo and durability. That said, the biggest.
Capcom has released some Resident Evil 2 updates ahead of The Game Awards 2019. One is a new achievement/trophy, which has begun appearing via updates for the PlayStation 4 and PC. In addition, a new Resident Evil 2 demo has appeared on the Microsoft Store. [Thanks, Wario64 and True Achievements!]
First, the new achievement is known as “Chasing Jill.” Its description on Steam says, “Read a letter left behind by Jill.” As of 10:30am CT on December 12, 2019, no one has acquired it yet. However, the PlayStation 4 version of Resident Evil 2 has just been updated to include the same trophy.
In addition to the trophy, the PlayStation 4 update has changed the Resident Evil 2 main menu. It now includes an option to head to the PlayStation Store to get Resident Evil 3.
As for the new demo, it is showing up on the Russian Microsoft Store. It is billed as the Resident Evil 2 RPD demo. True Achievements says it seems to be similar to the 1-Shot Demo that was released in January 2019. That was only briefly available and gave people 30 minutes to try and complete a mission with Leon. It was quite popular, as Capcom reported over three million people downloaded it.
Re 2 Chasing Jill

Re 2 Chasing Jill -
Resident Evil 2 is available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Resident Evil 3 will come to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 3, 2020.