Plots Definition In Literature

Plot (PLAWT) is the series of events that comprise a story’s main action. It is typically made up of a sequence of individual but connected elements that compels the main character(s) to embark on a journey. This journey can be physically or mentally and emotionally in nature, though it is often both. The plot’s primary journey leads to a climactic event and a resolution. See full list on Definition, Usage and a list of Exposition Examples in common speech and literature. Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters etc. To the audience or readers. Overcoming the Monster: In this scenario, the protagonist set out to defeat an antagonistic force.

The plot is a series of events inside a story, each event is interwoven and has a development as well as consequence. A plot can be as simple as a ballad and as complex as imbroglio. According to Ansen Dibell, a plot is similar to story-line. In this section of “Plot definition,” we are going to discuss “What is a plot” and how it is related to Literature and films, but before we start, let us first see, what others have to say about it.

Plot Definition by E. M Forster

According to E.M Forster, a plot is a relationship between cause and effect event in a story. E.M Forster perceives “The king died and then the queen died” as a story while “the king died and then the queen died of grief” as a plot.

Plot Definition by Aristotle

Aristotle in his “Poetics” which is the greatest of all surviving work on dramatic theory considers “plot” and an essential ingredient in Drama, in fact, it is more important than character and places. According to Aristotle, a plot is composed of a beginning, middle and an end and each action or event are closely related to one another. Aristotle perceives plot as an instrument to arouse emotions in the audience.

Define Plot

Plot Definition by Gustav Freytag


Based on Aristotle’s “theory of tragedy” a German writer, Gustav Freytag, divided drama in five different parts, which is now known as “Gustav’s Pyramid”. Gustav’s Pyramid consists of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.


Exposition deals with the introduction of main characters in the drama or film. It deals with their personalities, characters, ambitions, goals. Characters reveal themselves by their dialogues, and the audience gets to know who is who, and what one is up to.


Conflict is the second part of Gustav’s Pyramid, where, the characters starts struggling with each other, it is one of the essential parts of the drama or film, where audience stars to gain interest, and starts anticipating things.

Rising action

Plot Def Literature

Rising action is the part where the main character (the protagonist) is on his ultimate mission. The Protagonist is challenged with several obstacles. This phase shows how Protagonist deals with situations and his plight.


This is the third important element in a story, which occupies the middle portion of the play. Here the Protagonist takes some ultimate decision, which defines their character and the outcome of the story. Struggle between Protagonist and Antagonist can be seen in this part, but nobody wins here. The uniqueness of this part is the decision taken by Protagonist, which ultimately decides his fate, a poor decision, takes protagonist to his fall in tragic play, whereas a good decision here results in his victory.

Falling Action

The Falling Action phase is composed of events that ultimately lead to the end of the story. The actions taken by characters resolve the problem, and the result is based on the decision taken by a protagonist in the climax.


In the “Resolution” phase, the conflict ends. Characters solve their problem, and either Protagonist or Antagonist wins. The plot ends here.

Plot Example from Shakespeare Dramas

Macbeth & Othello

We can see the development of the plot in Shakespeare Plays. In tragic plays like Othello or Macbeth, we can see how the Protagonist is lead to tragic flaw for bad decisions in Climax. Othello’s suspicion while Macbeth’s greed led to their fall. We can see how the most important characters are introduced at the beginning (Exposition) of almost all play by Shakespeare, and then the conflict starts, ultimately leading to falling action and resolution. We can see the inner conflict of characters like Macbeth and Othello. We can see the effect on Macbeth, after meeting three witches, and ultimately leading to his tragic fall. Shakespeare dealt with plot deftly and his plays are a good example of plot structure.


In the play Hamlet, Shakespeare introduces Hamlet, Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother), and Claudius (Hamlet’s uncle) at the beginning of the play. All these three characters are important. The plot gets complicated when Hamlet tries to take revenge for his father’s death. Through a series of plans and events Hamlet at last killed Claudius, the murderer of his father.

Plots Definition In Literature

Plot Example from Movie

In the movie “Titanic“, we can see how Rose and Jack are introduced at the very beginning of the film. Jack belongs to low class while Rose belongs to the upper stature of society and the development of intimacy between Jack and Rose gave rise to conflict. Rose fiances plotted against Jack and made him arrested on the charge of stealing by providing false evidence. The plot is further complicated by the wreck of the ship and the story reached its resolution, by Jack dying in an effort to save Rose making him a true hero.

A good plot is responsible for successful movie or play. There are numerous examples of the plot from movies and plays, give some examples of good plot in the comment from the movies you saw or plays you read.


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Escape literature
written purely for entertainment--to help us pass the time agreeably
Interpretive literature
broaden and deepen and sharpen our awareness of life
Commercial fiction
written for wide, popular consumption
Quality fiction
written with serious artistic intent
Plot (plot)
the sequence of incidents or events of which a story is composed, presented in a significant order
Conflict (plot)
a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills
Examples of conflicts (plot)
Person against person
Person against environment
Conflict of person against himself or herself
Protagonists (plot)
central characters in a conflict, whether sympathetic or unsympathetic as persons
Antagonists (plot)
The forces arrayed against protagonists, whether persons, things, conventions of society, or traits of their own characters
Suspense (plot)
the quality in a story that makes readers ask 'What's going to happen next?' or 'How will this turn out?' and impels them to read on to find the answers to these questions; a 'cliffhanger'
Mystery (plot)
an unusual set of circumstances for which the readers crave an explanation
Dilemma (plot)
a position in which the protagonist must choose between two courses of action, both undesirable
Surprise (plot)
Becomes pronounced when the story departs radically from our expectations; an unexpected twist
Surprise ending (plot)
one that reveals a sudden new turn or twist
Happy ending (plot)
the protagonist must solve his problems, defeat the villain, win the girl, and 'live happily ever after'
Unhappy ending (plot)
a miserable ending to a story
Indeterminate ending (plot)
One in which no definitive conclusion is reached
Artistic unity (plot)
there must be nothing in the story that is irrelevant, that does not contribute to the total meaning, nothing that is only there for its own sake or excitement
Plot manipulation (plot)
When an author gives a story a turn unjustified by the situation or the characters involved, or when a character makes unmotivated action (also overuse of chance and coincidence)
Direct presentation (characterization)
The authors tells the reader straight out, by exposition or analysis, what the characters are like, or have someone else in the story tell us what they are like
Indirect presentation (characterization)
The author shows us the characters in action; we infer what they are like from what they think or say or do
Dramatized (characterization)
when characters are shown speaking and acting, as in a drama
Flat characters (characterization)
characterized by one or two traits; can be summed up in a sentence
Round characters (characterization)
complex and many sided; they might require an essay for full analysis
Stock character (characterization)
special kind of flat character; stereotyped figures who have occurred so often in fiction that their nature is immediately known
Static character (characterization)
the same sort of person at the end of the story as at the beginning
Developing (or dynamic) character (characterization)
undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of character, personality, or outlook
Theme (theme)
A piece of fiction's controlling idea or central insight
Point of View (POV)
who tells the story, and, therefore, how it gets told
Omniscient point of view
the story is told in the third person by a narrator whose knowledge and prerogatives are unlimited
Limited omniscient point of view
the story is told in the third person, but from the viewpoint of one character in the story
First-person point of view
the author disappears into one of the characters, who tells the story in the first person
Objective point of view
the narrator disappears into a kind of roving sound camera that can only record what is seen and/or heard; it cannot comment, interpret, or enter a character's mind (also known as Dramatic POV)
What often decides theme?
Everything the author does to make us understand the characters