Is Lots Of Discharge Normal
Different conditions in your body can affect the amount of discharge one will produce, how it looks like, and even how it smells. For example, the amount of your discharge may increase when you are ovulating or you are sexually aroused. Some of the other things that may affect your discharge include birth control pills, scented soaps, or the overuse of certain antibiotics.
A normal discharge does not usually associated pain, have no scent, and appear as mucus. However, there are some cases of heavy secretion that may require a lot of concern. Lots of Discharge Causes. Vaginal discharge may appear in many different forms. Most of the time, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. The amount can vary, as can odor and color (which can range from clear to a milky white-ish), depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. “Vaginal discharge can be normal or abnormal,” says Ob/Gyn Oluwatosin Goje, MD. “Not every vaginal discharge means something.” Understanding what may cause different colors of vaginal. A normal, physiological, discharge is usually clear, creamy or very slightly yellow. It is advisable to consult a doctor if any of the following changes are noticed as they may indicate that the discharge is caused by infection (vaginitis): If there is suddenly a greater amount of discharge. Brown discharge is normal if it comes right after your period, but it can also be a symptom of an early miscarriage or cervical cancer. You have a lot more discharge than usual.

Is It Normal To Have Lots Of Discharge
Moreover, abnormal amount of discharge could also mean that something is not right somewhere. It could imply a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis or in some cases a sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
Why do I have so much Discharge?
A normal amount of vaginal mucus may appear one to five days and may appear as egg white vaginal mucus just before ovulation. Another patch of egg white or watery vaginal mucus right before menstruation starts. However, if you realize several patches of egg white vaginal discharge throughout your menstrual cycle or notice egg white vaginal mucus for more than one week, then consider the following:
- Usually, a peak in luteinizing hormone and estrogen result in an increase and change in the color of your vaginal discharge. This peak comes right before ovulation.
- Some of the ladies may experience several peaks in the hormones LH and estrogen before ovulation finally appears. You may think of it like hormonal misfires, as the body attempts to trigger ovulation but is unable to do so.
- In some cases, women PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) may have several patches of fertile vaginal discharge throughout their cycle, making ovulation detection with this method difficult.
- Also, women may experience increased vaginal discharge or extended days of fertile vaginal discharge if they have a thyroid problem or if they are under a root of stress, along with other potential causes as we are going to discuss below.
A normal discharge does not usually associated pain, have no scent, and appear as mucus. However, there are some cases of heavy secretion that may require a lot of concern.
Lots of Discharge Causes
Vaginal discharge may appear in many different forms. There are some cases the discharge may be heavy with a bad smell, odorless, and clear or white, fishy smelling, or slightly bloodied. The type and amount of discharge occurring will actually point to the underlying cause.
These symptoms may point to a serious illness, such as sexually transmitted infection or cervical cancer. Women should talk to their obstetrician or gynecologist in case of any issue that involve heavy and frequent vaginal discharge. The following are some of the reasons that you are having an increased vaginal discharge that is more than normal;
- Uterine cancer
Uterine cancer is one of the reasons for increased secretion. Endometrial cancer is one common type of uterine cancer, according to research carried out by Medline Plus. It has been explained that increased levels of estrogen play a role in endometrial growth and cancer. One of the sign of this type of cancer is a thin white or clear vaginal discharge that appear after menopause.
Bleeding between normal periods or after menopause may also occur, along with heavy or frequent vaginal bleeding after the age of 40. This type of cancer is usually common in women between the age of 60 and 70 years.
- Bacterial vaginosis
BV is another cause of too much secretion and it is normally not a sexually transmitted infection. This infection is very common in women who have a newly acquired sexually transmitted infection or have had unprotected sex. In some cases, bacterial vaginosis may occur with no symptoms, although more than half of women have vaginal discharge that smells fishy or experience vaginal itching. For reasons that are not well known, lesbians and bisexual women are more likely to get infected with contact BV than heterosexual women.
- Sexually transmitted diseases
Also, your increased vaginal discharge could be telling you that you are infected by a sexually transmitted infection or disease. For example, a parasite known as trichomoniasis can cause a yellow, green, or gray vaginal discharge with a foamy like appearance. This discharge is usually accompanied with a strong odor.
- Also, sexually transmitted infection known as chlamydia may as well cause an abnormal vaginal discharge. Chlamydia might also have other symptoms such as burning sensation while urinating and bleeding between periods.
- Gonorrhea on the other hand can result in an increased yellow discharge which may appear bloodied. Bleeding between periods and pain or a burning sensation while urinating is some of the other common symptoms associated with it.
- Also, exposure to a sexually transmitted infection known as the human papillomavirus (HPV) can as well lead to cervical cancer and much vaginal discharge, as per the research carried out by mayo clinic.
- Pregnancy
Usually, vaginal discharge is one of the main symptoms of early pregnancy. The discharge may increase and, in most cases, it may be seen throughout the pregnancy period. This is usually normal and should not be a cause for concern. In this case, the discharge should be odorless, white or clear, and should not cause irritation, so that it could be termed as normal. If burning, itching, bad odor, bloody discharge, yellow discharge, or green discharge is experienced, you should seek immediate medical intervention as this usually not normal.
- Yeast infection
If your increased secretion is thick, white, clumpy, and for lack of better visual appearing like cottage cheese that is associated with itching, this is a very clear sign that you are suffering from a yeast infection. This infection is usually very uncomfortable and the discharge is usually not pleasing to many women. Yeast infection is very common and considered as easy when it comes to treatment. It can be treated by the use of over the counter medication, and if it doesn’t work, it is advisable that you visit your doctor. It is not good for you to suffer through unnecessary and treatable discomfort.
- Ovulation
Ovulation is the process in the woman reproductive system whereby a mature egg leaves one of the ovaries and moves down to the fallopian tubes to wait for fertilization to take place. This is one of the most common and benign reasons for increased discharge in mature women. The secretion is usually caused by hormonal influx that is usually very high during ovulation. While not all women may experience vaginal discharge during ovulation, others notice increased vaginal discharge.
- Allergies
Allergies in your vagina can be caused by the use of scented soaps, tampons and wipes, use of vaginal sprays, and even detergents used to clean your underpants. The general rule is that, you should not be putting strange things in your vagina. Moreover, your body may react with an unexpected way to new condoms, and even sex toys due to allergy.
If it happens that you are allergic to one of these substances, your body could probably create more discharge as a response to allergic reaction. Stop the use of the new product that is causing allergy and see your medical provider in case this is taking place.
- IUD (intrauterine device)

This is a device made of plastic or copper that is inserted in the womb to prevent pregnancy. An IUD might have the power to make your period disappear, but the same cannot always told about your vaginal discharge.
Although this may increase the number of times you visit washroom, it is a zero cause for concern. It has been noted that some women may get more constant discharge because the IUD string in your body is foreign. It is like tearing up when something gets in your eye.
Vaginal discharge that is not too much, has no foul smell, and does not causes irritation is normal. Keep in mind that even if you follow all the vaginal care steps and tips effectively, you are still going to experience some discharge. It is normal and this needs to happen in order for you to know you are healthy. Don’t be embarrassed about this normal body process as you are not the only one dealing with it.
Is it normal to have a lot of Discharge every day?
Vaginal discharge usually begins as a woman enters puberty and continues throughout their life. It only begins to reduce when a woman enters menopause. This is because vaginal secretion is how the vagina cleans itself and stays healthy which helps to maintain one’s fertility. In this case, you need not to do anything about it other than learn from it as discharge can be a good indicator of where you are in your menstrual cycle and of your vaginal health. Vaginal discharge may help you in the following ways:

- To keep the vagina clean
- To keep the vagina lubricated
- To monitor your health
- To monitor your cycles
- It helps in getting pregnant
However, there are cases where your discharge may appear not to be normal. For example, you may experience a vaginal secretion that is in excess, with a strange smell, that is changed in color and is associated with other harsh symptoms such as burning sensation, irritation and pain. This type of discharge should never be ignored as it is a sign of an infection of a foreign object in your vagina. In this case, you should seek immediate medical intervention to establish the cause of your too much discharge.
What does it mean when you have a lot of Discharge?
Increased discharge can have various reasons depending on which time of your menstrual cycle you are experiencing this increased vaginal discharge. It is very normal to have a lot of vaginal discharge at the time when you are ovulation as during this time, there is increased hormonal activities that trigger the secretion to increase.
- Moreover, your discharge could be telling you something that you don’t want to let out. It is also very normal to have some increased discharge when you are sexually aroused. This is because your vagina lubricates itself to get ready for sexual intercourse.
- Moreover, your discharge could be caused by the type of birth control pills you are using. Usually, birth controls may cause change in your hormonal balance and this could cause your normal secretion to increase.
There are other many causes of increased discharge that are abnormal including vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections. If you realize your discharge is associated with other harsher symptoms such as itchiness, burning sensation when urinating, pain and foul smell, seek immediate medical advice.
Instead of my Period I have White Discharge
It is very normal to experience changes with your discharge throughout your monthly cycle but if you are getting a white discharge instead of period, it could mean otherwise. There are some cases where it might be a sign of pregnancy or that you are having an infection either fungal, viral or bacterial. Increased vaginal secretion could even mean that you are having a sexually transmitted infection.
Is a lot of Discharge a Sign of Pregnancy?
Vaginal secretion in early pregnancy are usually thick white or milky but can also be clear. Rarely, if it ever happened, are typical pregnancy secretions red or yellow. Normal early pregnancy vaginal secretions are also not usually associated with an infection especially if there is not bad smell.
Increased thick white vaginal secretions in early pregnancy, usually during the time of a missed menstrual period is often among the first typical early pregnancy symptoms. Women commonly realize an increase in vaginal secretion, especially if an early pregnancy is likely. The other typical early pregnancy signs and symptoms are nausea, tiredness and missed menstrual periods.
How do you Stop Discharge?
Abnormal too much vaginal discharge is usually caused by infections and therefore there is need for treatment. The following are some of the medical treatments you may use to treat increased vaginal discharge caused by infections:
- Bacterial vaginosis – a doctor will often prescribe the use of antibiotic medication.
- Trichomoniasis – this is a bacterial infection that is usually treated by the use of oral antibiotics
- Candidiasis – a doctor may recommend oral or topical medications. Some topical medicines are available over the counter and can get rid of the issue in 1 to 3 days after the medication are available by prescription.
Each of the infections we have discussed above requires medical treatment but practicing good hygiene can be helpful to prevent a recurrence. Wash the area around your genitals frequently without any soap or with the use of nonallergenic soap, such as those made of glycerin. Dry the area by patting gently. More other preventive tips may include:
- Changing underwear regularly
- Wiping from front to back, to avoid fecal contamination
- Washing hands after urination and bowel movements
More references
- Why do you have a lot of discharge?
- Do you have too much vaginal mucus:
- Causes of increased and frequent vaginal secretion:
- Vaginal discharge during early pregnancy:
Vaginal discharge is normal – most women and girls get it. It's a fluid or mucus that keeps the vagina clean and moist, and protects it from infection.
Check if your vaginal discharge is normal
Vaginal discharge is not usually anything to worry about if it:
- does not have a strong or unpleasant smell
- is clear or white
- is thick and sticky
- is slippery and wet
You can get vaginal discharge at any age.
The amount of discharge varies. You usually get heavier discharge during pregnancy, if you're sexually active or if you're using birth control. It's often slippery and wet for a few days between your periods (when you ovulate).
When vaginal discharge can be a sign of an infection
If your discharge changes – for example, in smell, colour or texture – it might be a sign of an infection. But do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.
Discharge | Possible cause |
Smells fishy | Bacterial vaginosis |
Thick and white, like cottage cheese | Thrush |
Green, yellow or frothy | Trichomoniasis |
With pelvic pain or bleeding | Chlamydia or gonorrhoea |
With blisters or sores | Genital herpes |
Non-urgent advice: See a GP or go to a sexual health clinic if:
- your vaginal discharge changes colour, smell or texture
- you produce more discharge than usual
- you feel itchy or sore
- you bleed between periods or after sex
- you get pain when peeing
- you get pain in the area between your tummy and thighs (pelvic pain)
Is A Lot Of Discharge Normal During Early Pregnancy
Sexual health clinics can help with abnormal discharge
Sexual health clinics treat problems with the genitals and urine system.
Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not need an appointment. They'll often get test results quicker than GP surgeries.
Things you can do to help with vaginal discharge
You cannot prevent vaginal discharge.
Panty liners can help with heavy or excessive discharge or if you're worried about any smell. But do not use them all of the time because they can cause irritation.
To help avoid irritation, soreness or dryness:
wash the skin around your vagina gently using plain water
Is Discharge Everyday Normal
Is Lots Of Discharge Normal In Early Pregnancy
do not use perfumed or non-perfumed soaps or gels
do not use deodorants or scented hygiene wipes
do not wash inside your vagina (douche)
Page last reviewed: 25 January 2021
Next review due: 25 January 2024